Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 1- Jan. 9 2009

Hey everyone my name is Lee. I seen alot on this regimen and have decided to give it a shot. I started this Blog to hopefully help keep me motivated and hold me accountable. please ask any questions

Here are my starting stats
i only plan on weighing my self once a week to avoid a disappointment from any fluctuation in daily weight. also am still on the fence about the cheat day. will probably have one but hope not to go over board. I'll tackle that problem in 7 days

Woke up excited about the new diet at 6:00 am. Then Cooked my first 3 meals for the day. Prep time for all 3 was about 20min.

meal 1- 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg scrambled w/ green peppers
1/3 can black beans
1/2 frozen mixed veggies

meal 2- 1/2 grilled chicken breast cooked on Foreman grill
1/3 can black beans
1/2 cup frozen mixed veggies

meal 3- Same as meal 2

I ate first meal at 7:30 am, 2nd at 12:00 and 3rd at 3:30

Went grocery shopping after work and stocked up on lean beef and a ton of canned beans

5:30pm-When i got home made a grilled chicken salad with lettuce, cucumber, green pepper, a bit of shredded carrot and hard boiled egg w/ a bit of balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

(Note) have also only drank water today, and alot of it

Day one of fairly easy. it is 10:15pm right now and i am a little hungry but i am going to sleep soon so i think I'll live. i think tomorrow i my eat my dinner a little later to help curb this late night hunger


  1. Hope everything is going well goodluck

  2. I wanted to find out if you did succeed in achieving your goal of losing weight.

    Secondly, if you are still battling with losing weight or know someone who is in that situation you can just recommend this website and EPXBODY - BURN that will help burn fat and lose weight faster without change of diet and exercise.

  3. I wanted to find out if you did succeed in achieving your goal of losing weight.

    Secondly, if you are still battling with losing weight or know someone who is in that situation you can just recommend this website CLICK HERE and EPXBODY - BURN that will help burn fat and lose weight faster without change of diet and exercise.
